Seven trainees are entitled to receive the dental implants program for the Diploma of the University of Ashbillah. 1- Each trainee receives a certificate from the British Cambridge Academy, certified by the British and Egyptian Foreign Ministry and the various embassies. He also obtained membership of the Egyptian Dental Implant Association. 2- The program has been awarded by more than 2000 dentists over the past four years in Egypt and the countries 3- Each doctor will undertake five cultivation operations under his supervision after the completion of the workshops 4- Additional planting operations can be carried out up to 20 cases to pay the price only. It can also be documented 5. Dr. Ahmed Halim, President of the Egyptian Association of Dental Implantology, is one of the most famous names in the world. 6. Each trainee is a copy of the monthly dental implants. We will meet you in all ways, as far as you can fully cultivate. The training program begins on Sunday.
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