Have you seen the pre release specsheet of iPhone 5

Anonymous, 26 Sep 2011No need to feel so sorry. The fact that the SGS2 has to be benchmarked against a phone more th. moreIs that why Apple is having so much trouble with their yet to be released iPhone 5? Because they cannot still stand up to the Galaxy S II. Have you seen the pre release specsheet of iPhone 5. It’s not even close to Galaxy S II, and it not even released yet. What iPhone user most can hope for in new iPhone 5 in the year 2012, is a 8 mp camera. Trust med, you are talking to someone that used to have a iPhone 4 but gave to my sister. I don’t actually even use Samsung, as i have a HTC Sensation. But when it comes to Galaxy S II, you give credit where credit is due. Apple benchmarks their devices to old phones for a living, so no use in throwing stones inside a glass house. When Apple releases iPhone 5 and Samsung releases another beast of a device (probably with proper rumored 3D engine), what will be Apples excuse then? I read Business Weekly like 3 weeks ago that 7 million iPhone users switched to Galaxy S II in Europe. Galaxy S II just released in the US, i think Apple are doing their pants right now. My advice to Apple would be to actually focus on completing the very delayed iPhone 5 instead of spending time with ridiculous lawsuits in a feeble attempt to slow down other handmakers. So what is this i hear about iPhone 5 and a square homebutton (Galaxy S II) and ripping of flagship features from Android OS?

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